在广袤的乡村,有一个充满生机与活力的农场,当你踏入这片土地,仿佛进入了一个别样的世界,Farm is a place full of vitality and charm. It has vast fields, green pastures, and clear brooks. 这里有大片的农田,种植着各种农作物,金黄的麦浪在微风中轻轻摇曳,There are various crops planted here, and the golden wheat waves sway gently in the breeze. 农场里还有成群的牛羊在悠闲地吃草,White sheep and strong cattle are grazing leisurely. 它们构成了一幅美丽而宁静的田园画卷。
农场的动物们是这里最可爱的存在,In the barn, there are many lovely animals. 有活泼的小鸡,叽叽喳喳地跑来跑去;有温顺的兔子,毛茸茸的十分惹人喜爱,The little chickens are lively, running around chirping. The docile rabbits are very cute with their fluffy fur. 还有忠诚的牧羊犬,时刻守护着农场的安全,The loyal shepherd dogs are always on guard to keep the farm safe. 我们可以和这些动物近距离接触,感受它们的纯真与美好,We can get close contact with these animals and feel their purity and beauty. 英语中关于动物的描述也十分有趣,a hen cackles”(母鸡咯咯叫),“a horse neighs”(马嘶鸣)等等。
农场的劳作是辛苦但充满意义的,Farmers are busy working every day. 他们早起